Tilton Conservation Commission
257 Main Street, Tilton, NH 03276
Tilton, NH

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CONSERVATION NEWS From TILTON, NH                           

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Eastern Box Turtle  Snapping Turtle Spotted Turtle
Eastern Box Turtle                                                                 Snapping Turtle                                                                                   Spotted Turtle                                                                                                                   

Wildlife Watching in NH

NH Fish & Game reports that there are seven native turtles in NH , and four of them are considered species in greatest need of conservation.
Sadly, nearly fifty percent of turtles worldwide are either threatened with extinction, or already are extinct. the greatest threat to turtles in
New Hampshire is from loss of habitat due to development and adult turtles being killed on roadways. One strategy for protecting these species
is to conserve connected landscapes with a diversity of wetlands and uplands. But, what can individuals do?

1. Don't collect, purchase, or move native turtles.
2. Assist turtles across roadways, ALWAYS insuring your safety first.
3. Don't disturb nesting turtles.
4. Don't litter. Even better, pick up trash left by others.
5. Support local conservation efforts to conserve wildlife corridors and connect a diversity of habitats.
6. Check the NH Fish & Game website to learn about reptile and amphibian sighting and reporting.

Soil Testing
As our thoughts turn to gardening, this might be a good time to have your soil analyzed to see if any amendments need to be made so you have
good crops this year.  UNH Cooperaive Extension offers several testing options for NH residents, and they will include fertilizer
Details about how to collect the soil sample and where to send it can be found at:

They also offer insect identification services and a plant disease and diagnosis service.