Tilton Conservation Commission
257 Main Street, Tilton, NH 03276
Tilton, NH

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Spring 2020 Newsletter

Pirple crocus

Outside Activities For Kids During Covid-19 Times

1. Set up an obstacle course in the driveway
2. Star gaze - learn about constellations
3. Hang a bird feeder and count bird species
4. Keep a nature journal
5. Make a map of your neighborhood
6. Make a rock garden
7. Play flashlight tag
8. Make luminarias and light up
        your driveway or front walkway
9. Build fairy houses
10. Make music outside - wind chimes, tin can drums, rubber band guitar
11. Paint rocks with message of hope and place around the house
12. Scavenger hunt in the backyard

Town Meeting Approves Funding for Milfoil Removal
At the March 14, 2020 Tilton Town meeting, voters approved funding for the
Lake Improvement/Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund which was established
 in 2008 to protect our public water resources from the scourge of this invasive.

Two local organizations, the Winnisquam Watershed Network
and the Silver Lake Association, have requested fundsfrom the Town for work
to be completed in the summer of 2020 to chemically and manually
rid local lakes of this aquatic plant. Both organizations are partnering
with the NH Department of Environmental Services and have received
grants to accomplish their goals.

More details will follow in future newsletters.


As the weather warms and people start spending more time outdoors,
so do some unpleasant arachnids, namely ticks. NH has four types of ticks
which bite and transmit diseases. They are the American dog tick, the
black-legged tick, the brown dog tick, and the Lone Star tick. As soon as the eggs hatch,
the ticks require constant meals of blood. They look to attach to a host, and then
insert a feeding tube held in place with barbs or even a kind of cement.

However, we can all protect ourselves and still enjoy being outdoors
if we follow some basic common-sense guidelines.

* Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and boots. Even better, spray clothing with permethrin.
* Wear light-colored clothing so you can see any tick hitchhikers.

* Always check your body and your clothes for ticks when you come inside.
* Tumbledry your clothes in the dryer after you come in. Take a shower. Check again for ticks.
* Check pets to be sure they are not bringing ticks into your house.

For more details including pictures, go to TickFree NH.

UNH Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet